The New Normal 2

I was thinking that by October 2020, things would have settled down. I will be able to take a small holiday someplace in the hills or a wildlife sanctuary. With all the apprehension about the second phase of the virus, I am not so sure. Now if I manage to go and eat something nice in a restaurant, I would be grateful. I cannot believe that here I am complaining about all the insane chatter around food at home and in all the WhatsApp groups, and then the first thing I want to do when the Lockdown opens, is eat at a restaurant. What a glutton I am! Is food something with which I nourish my body or is it what my life revolves around? I knew someone who was a very good cook, and she would keep talking about all the fancy food she made. I remember sniggering with other friends and saying food is to fill your stomach and to be enjoyed socially, how can someone only talk about it. My working friends would also look down upon people who talked only about their cooking and HouseKeeping prowess. I am realising that from my working life, I am barely in touch with the women colleagues. The men colleagues have mostly stayed in touch. Women have got married, moved cities or have not liked me enough to stay in touch. Facebook Likes is nowadays called 'staying in touch'. Such is our world where virtual is perceived as real. 

Schools are running with their portions for the new Academic Year. I think they want to complete the syllabus before the second phase hits us. Children miss the peer interaction. Strange, I have still not started missing. Staying in a hostel for years makes one comfortable with all situations. I am too complacent. I have yet not written my future goals and have not got around to planning my life around the New Normal. Everything has taken a backseat to cooking. The other entertainment is my phone. The body doesn't want any physical exercise and I do not know if doing dishes and cooking qualify under any physical regime . But the mind is constantly thinking of menus. I have finished cooking all that I know and some of what I do not know. The rest of it, I shall never be able to make it mentally or physically. I know office work never felt this tiring as planning and executing menus makes me. I have people who keep telling me I am lucky that my family is not demanding and they are simple eaters. Most people are wanting to eat ready to eat foods or packaged foods. The supermarkets are usually sold out on Cocoa, Oregano, Pasta, Cheese, Pizza bread, Butter, Cheese, Baking Soda, Baking Powder, Maida, Suji etc or they are the fastest selling items. Instead of building immunity, some are determined to eat junk for entertainment. I am glad most people are buying from their neighbouring "Baniya" and not from a Super Market. Now people have stopped hoarding and are buying what is needed. The local grocer is doing good business. Since there are no cabs, the people are not going to big stores/ super markets for grocery shopping. We need to get the Local grocer back in all places. They understand the needs of their customers the best and have stuff specific to the area and people living there. Plus the local grocer gives you the quantity you want and nothing is pre packaged. Which means I am guaranteed of fresh stock unlike in SuperMarket chains, where old stock is given at a discount and I have seen new labels being put on the old stock. Specially the imported food items, the dates are constantly changed on the labels. 

I do not know how colleges will operate for the new academic year. Online is the way the new generation was moving with all the video games, Instagram etc. Now, there is no stopping this. Hours on the screen has to become a way of life for young children. Am worried about their eyesight and posture. The joy of smiling at your best friend during class, the fights over erasers, the nudges and stamping of shoes and the giggles are being missed. But each parent is grateful that their children are home and safe. How long can you be home and stay safe is something we shall deal with when we come to it. Till then, keep your chin up and keep churning fresh meals with real foods. 


  1. Excellent Parul. You've voiced what must be running through the minds of s lot of folks. I wonder what the normal will be in a couple of months.

  2. Very truee... an amazn way of mkn everyone realize how life was n is n gng to be for a while...

  3. Enjoyed reading this immensely. I am on a sabbatical and have recently discovered the joys of cooking meals. Having said that, I cannot wait to go back to work. I could so relate to the line "Office work never felt this tiring as planning and executing menus."

  4. Once agin great job done you have covered all the concerns in very simple way.


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