Netflix, Prime and What Not

I am not much of a TV watcher neither can I watch too many films. We have never had a TV in any bedrooms of our house. Sitting in the living room which we call "hall" in 'Bambaiyya' language is not my idea of fun. Our 'hall' is our dining room, sitting room, book shelf, crockery cupboard, giveaway bags room, snacks cupboard, temple, study table and office in times of Lockdown. Mumbai's apartments which we always refer to as 'Flats' are always one room short. How much ever big an apartment people buy, they never have enough storage for their stuff. Either the stuff increases over a period of time or the storage space shrinks. In the last nine and half years, my stuff has increased and how. So now I do not even bother to put things in the cupboards. They are kept on display in some empty tabletop in the Hall. I really wish the Builders did not make you feel so small in life by giving you a living room which was the opposite of a 'hall'. Someone asked Shri M, "What is your view on the Law of Attraction?" He laughed and said "Opposites attract". The Builders call it is called a One BHK or a Two BHK which stands for Bedroom Hall and Kitchen, the hall is small.  May be they want you to feel good by calling the living room a 'hall' because other things in the Mumbai apartment are not something to feel good about. The builders, almost every one of them is corrupt and does not deliver what he has promised. Not just that, the Builders also take more from the buyers even after the flat is purchased. Namely, the fitness zone is not as per promise or the Parking area or the monthly maintenance fees are high or he just decides to add two more buildings to the same plot of land and expect all to share the same amenities. The list is endless. The buyers who are the rightful owners of the apartments have a long uphill battle ahead with the legal route. The Police, the BMC and the Courts are more or less in the hands of the big builders. Mumbai builders almost always never make the building design pleasant or appealing. Either the Lobby is dark or the kitchen has less sunlight or the apartment is stuffy. These days the Lobby of the building, the entrance from the multi level car park is all air conditioned including the elevator Lobby on each floor. There is absolutely no fresh air or ventilation. I am always wondering how are these buildings following any Fire Safety norms.  Coming to the 'Hall', ours is so small that when guests come, they prefer to sit on the window sill rather than on the Sofa. Sofa at home , leaves much to be desired. I have had a Hate Hate relationship with all my sofa sets. I have lived in four apartments and must have had at least 9 or 10 different seating arrangements. I have never been happy with the Sofa. It is never good enough to fall sleep when I am watching TV. 

Now with the Lockdown, there is pressure to watch the latest web series on Prime or Netflix or Hotstar or WhatNot. Since I do not have the latest baking recipes, I better know the latest series on the net. I mean, I am so spaced out in this space of 'serials on the net' that if you tell me I have to watch 'WhatNot' on 'WhatNot', I will believe you. I feel so I am so from the pre modern era, because I have still not watched 'Fauda' and Fauda's season 3 is out. I can barely watch a full film with interest, and to watch some 10 plus episodes is beyond comprehension . How can one give so much time to these serials when there is so much work pending. Right now, I am imagining what all will I learn new or do better, once my  team of house help women join back. But people are doing those things in the Lockdown. Well, Sorry Guys, I am going to do all that stuff which the innumerable ads and forwards are about, once the Lockdown opens. I shall definitely touch some double digit sets of SuryaNamaskar and do hours of Zumba when I do not have to scrub bathrooms, make meals and wear un-ironed clothes. I will get a toned body, flat stomach, glowing skin, lustrous hair, good diet full of veggies and fruits and clean kitchen post Lockdown. People are planning life in Lockdown, I am doing the reverse. I am also washing veggies and fruits with plain water and not soap. I am not washing any other packets of groceries but I keep them untouched for a day or two. Now I am totally confused as in which food item has been quarantined and which is not. So the kitchen is a mess. 

I will watch all these webseries after Lockdown. Right now, I do not want to know which country is fighting the hidden enemy and how. I am still the little girl, who believes movies and tv stories are for real. I do not believe the disclaimer they show in the beginning . Thus all events, places, people seem happening to me. The amount of bad/ evil etc they show in these Web Series is crazy. I saw a family type serial where every episode had about 7 minutes of sex. I mean I know you are showing us day by day events, but I do not want to know their sex life. Kindly stick to the story. But that would sound so gawky. It is their freedom of expression. They have their creative streak and one should allow it to flourish . Gosh, all these arty vibes, are not my cup of tea. Since, there is no censorship, these serials are full of violence and sex. It is absolutely okay to show a woman as a sex object for the creative liberty of the story. All feminists are also very happy with the violence in these series. In India, despite censorship, lot of gore comes into our movies. One film director had actually said in the interview that if they want three violent scenes in the movie, they make a twenty and show that film to the Censor Board. The Censor Board usually passes five of them and it is a win-win situation for both parties i.e. the Film maker and the Censor Board. Call me narrow minded, I am okay with it, but I am not okay with this onslaught on my value system. I do not watch Netflix n Prime as it drains me. I do not find that as entertainment. 


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