Republic Day

My thoughts on Republic Day.

Mumbai had a beautiful flavour on the crisp cool Monday morning of 26th January 2015, our Republic Day.  The parade and the floats in Shivaji Park were worth the time. People travelled from far and near to see the parade. We saw the Republic Day Parade in the National Capital in the afternoon repeat telecast on television.

Akshay Kumar was good in the film "Baby". He is one actor who has not got his due or enough roles which make him work well. Made me think of all the people living for our Nation and giving up their lives for our safety.

I could not believe the media and the so called 'seculars' were criticising even our Republic Day parade. What are we doing to the morale of our Armed forces if we cannot appreciate and respect them for their supreme sacrifice? Where is our National Pride?

Since they could not find faults with the NaMobama meetings, they took on about Modi's clothes. The 'Seculars" never criticise the numerous roads, bridges, and Yojanas, all named after Indira, Sanjay and Rajiv Gandhi.That is not megalomania. By the way, Gujarat does not have anything named after Narendra Modi.

If Modi wears an orange jacket in New York, it becomes right wing and saffron party. Has RSS caused any terrorist attacks? Has the saffron brigade created riots and done bomb blasts? Why is the media and seculars applying all secularity to Hindus?  Why is it not applicable to Muslims or Christians? How is conversion to Christianity "good" and 'Ghar Wapsi' "bad"? If Hindus were radicalists, would a certain Hirani and Khan of the PK fame be alive and free?  Hinduism is such a liberal religion that there are no conversions. It is a way of life. But we people want to believe the British version of it. Which just projected the religion having evil practices, to suit their ends and means.

Why did the President of world's super power and the largest seller of arms in the world, need to declare his and his wife's religion? Is that being 'Secular'? Right from childhood, I have bowed down at a temple, mosque, Gurudwara, church or any shrine. Even on our long bus ride to school, we children prayed to all the shrines enroute. If I say I am a Hindu, why do my secular Hindu Indians think I am  a Fanatic? My closest friends belong to Muslim and Christian community.

Why does all the money collected in the Churches in India go to the Vatican? Why does all the money from ISCKON temples go to their head office in USA? That is Indian money and what are we doing to stop this outflow? Why does Rotary Clubs worldwide  ask for heavy joining fees and take all that money to America? Then they ration out our money in small quantities to us and expect our people to do charity work? Why have they put targets for fund raising on all the Clubs? Why are only Foreign NGOs welcomed by all schools and schools doing a compulsory fund raising drive for them?
I don't even want to get where the money offered in the mosques go? I am sure it is not for the upliftment of Muslims.

Criticising a Nation will not improve it. The so called Seculars, educated and broad minded people need to do some work. A child never improves with criticism. Even a tree dies with constant criticism. Hidden agendas are seen by all. Which  other country in the world gives the freedom of self expression like India does? Where in the world can we break all rules and criticise the Police, the laws and the Government for it? I have yet to see any media/ publication/ journalist in USA which is totally anti America and American way of life?  And people who think India is bad, why don't they take citizenship of another country and live there happily ever after?

The child has learnt about Ashoka in school. She told me about his planting of trees on the highways for the travellers and the Four Lions in the Ashoka lion Capital at Sarnath. which is our National Emblem.

 Satyamev Jayate.


  1. We teach our kids that Emperor Asoka planted trees along the highways for travellers, but not that he killed all his brothers to become the Emperor. Because, teaching that would make us look like anti-Indian and not level-headed Indian.


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