Lakshmi and my duality

She came to my house to work. Her neighbour cum relative got her for the job. Neat in a well pinned saree, slim and a sweet genuine smile. We discussed work and pay. She said she is in need of money as the 2000 Rupees she earns is not enough. Her name was Lakshmi. She did not turn up for work the next day at the assigned time. She came later and said to give the job to her mother-in-law, so that the money will come within the family. The mother-in-law, Urmila ben, worked very well and gave me suggestions to do work more efficiently. I was really happy. In the afternoon, she told me to give all my house work to her daughter-in-law Lakshmi. I was more than happy as I liked her smile. I never knew that could be a criteria to keep a maid.
Lakshmi came to work, was keen to learn and eager to please. She asked me if I had had a love marriage. Oh Boy! She sure had done her ground work on the company she was joining. She told me that she is a twelfth standard pass which means she has studied till her intermediate level. She has worked in firms and earned up to Rs. 7500. She is a Maharashtrian Brahmin living in Worli.  She fell in love with the boy from Kasarwadi, the Municipal chawl for the sweepers. He has no job, the way most young boys in Kasarwadi live. They do not study and they do not work. They wait for their fathers to die so they get that job and the house in their name. Most fathers are drunkards and die due to liver problems caused by excess consumption of alcohol. She showed me her husband playing football in the playground. He was wearing a white vest and yellow track pants. She was so proud to see him from my high rise window. She had no concern that she was slogging her butt off in jobs outside and all the house work, while her husband was playing games. I gave her an old pair of military green heels. She tried it immediately and they fit her. She told me she can't wear heels higher than this pair. She will wear it when she goes out with her husband.
Her sister lived in an apartment close by. She saw her walking everywhere for work. Her parents have refused to be in touch with her.  Their  other son-in -laws are educated working and have their own personal vehicles.
She came the next day in a beautiful red Saree, all neatly pinned up in Gujarati style. She told me the work is too much in my house and she will not be able to do it. The previous day's enthusiasm was totally missing. She said "I need money today as it is my birthday, me and my husband will be going out". I called her inside. Gave her the money for two days of work.  I happened to have a cake in the fridge given by my Aunt. We had eaten a piece but I made her cut the cake. She was so happy cutting an already cut chocolate cake from Kayani Bakery of Pune. I fed her a big pice and gave her cake for the family. We hugged each other. She had tears in her eyes. I asked Lakshmi the reason for the tears. She said she is missing her mother. She doesn't call her mother. I told her you can give a blank call and listen to her voice. Lakshmi is scared to do that as her mother might have a panic attack as she is prone to them. She said her mother will guess the blank call is from her. She told me to give a job to her sister-in-law, husband's sister in an office. She said she will restart work the next day. She left home teary eyed with chocolates, cake and a promise to rejoin.

After she had gone, I just had tears flowing. The sadness for Lakshmi and her choice of life partner. The sadness for her parents who have lost their child in marriage. The anger for her husband who married her on a false pretext of having a job. The fear that it could have been me, making a wrong choice of a life partner at a very young age and then living to regret it. Lakshmi could have been my child if I had married young. A child taking a wrong step can be so heart breaking for parents. What makes a child choose  their life partner out of love and not for security? The rules for me as an individual are so different from the rules for me as a parent. Lakshmi brought forth my duality. It is glaring at my face and I have no answers.

I got a job for her sister in law at my doctor's clinic. Next day Lakshmi did not come to work. Her sister-in-law did not call to say she has taken up the new job where I had put in a good word. I got a message through another maid that Lakshmi wont be joining my work.


  1. This is part of life.....we have to accept it as it is.......


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