
Speak truth and be damned. Indra Nooyi spoke about how she feels guilty and as a woman you cant have it all, and a debate erupts. The feminists are saying how demoralising it is and blah blah. Every woman journalist, even if she covered the society pages, had her view on how Indra Nooyi's life is.
The Pope talked about paedophiles in the Church and the PR machine at Vatican went on an over drive denying what was said by him. They accused the publication which printed it. Which organised religion is without crime?
Rani Mukherjee after hiding her relationship with Adi Chopra suddenly wants to go all out and talk about her love, marriage, maids and all the publications want to cover it. All are aware her film is up for release and her non existent career as an actress needs all the Boost/ Bournvita/ Horlicks it can get.

Truth sounds like lies to us when certain people speak. Truth hurts  because we have a certain view of how things are or how they should be. Anything contrary and I reject. It is so tempting to switch to 'WE' when I am writing. I want to generalise. I like to believe that all people think like me or very similar to me. I seem to call friends who agree to my view point of life, more often than I call others. I am closing myself to new things, new views and new ideas. I do not like the new Mills and Boon series for the same reason. I keep saying there is no 'Dum' in the stories. Truth for me can be a lie from someone else's view point. Namely me and my mother in law:). The view I have about my childhood is so different from what my siblings have. Exactly the same incidents but such dramatically different impact on all of us. Wonder what really was the truth then .

I think all my emotions get attached to the truth. The backlog of incidents, past hurts and sadness that I carry with me, interprets all the incidents with a strong dosage of the past. I live, I smile, I enjoy, I laugh, all happens only when my past allows me. Rest of the time, I am trapped in my own truths.


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