Summer and General Elections

The new green leaves have come on most trees. An occasional koel sings in the mornings. Mumbai still has lot of old buildings left alone by the land sharks. I noticed them during my train ride in the Central line of Mumbai. Each building had some beautiful old trees. Buildings witness to generation and trees witness to so many emotions. So difficult for the trees and the brick walls to be there and not react. They continue to treat everyone with benign kindness.

The Pawar party office at Taikalwadi near Manmala Mandir is on the pavement. They first made an illegal office with Grills and a roof. Then they  started keeping plants in the adjacent area of the pavement. Later the plants got a fencing. Now there is a huge brick wall. I noticed and felt angry and bad. I do not have the zest to call BMC and find out the relevant office and complain. I also fear these political types in spite of living amongst them.

I met a vegetable vendor or a bhaji waala carrying 40-50kg of vegetables and selling it door to door. He is seventy five years old and looked more like a 55 year old. He is healthy and fit. He buys the vegetables from Dadar market and walks selling them up to Mahim. He has two huge round baskets to store the vegetables. A thick iron and bamboo rod holds the two baskets on either side and that he carries on his shoulders. He walks erect. He climbs the staircase of various buildings to sell the veggies and some buildings do not allow him the use of elevator.He told me he has been working from the age of 14-15 years. He has no  health issues like his peers. He said he will continue to work for  another three  years. I aspire to be that fit, agile and happy at 75 and even now.

The Ra Th party, Like you know the full form of NaMo and RaGa, I am sure you can figure this one out. The party against North Indians in Mumbai , has a lot of their leaders who are actually married to North Indians. I wonder how these North Indian spouses feel about listening to the party bosses' tirade against North Indians. Even the young 25 year old scion who stood for the National elections is married to a North Indian for the last two years. In Dadar Mahim area, the voting percentage was much higher than the whole of Mumbai. RaTh party was really micromanaging their work, voters lists, people, volunteers etc. They had a lot of support from Dadar to Mahim west, for sure.

This election has made school children aware of political parties and more. They are discussing it in school. I hope this makes them responsible citizens of the world. Our vote has the power and we have to believe that. The cab drivers I have been talking to had very different views. One Mumbai cabbie said there are four people in his family, two vote for Congress and two vote for BJP. He believes no party can help him so better to split the vote. Another cabbie said that he was going back to Azamgarh for his summer holidays and to cast his vote. The candidate from his area is a 'Gunda' but has done very good work for the people. He said people will vote for him not out of fear but choice. Interesting facets of the General Elections of the world's largest democracy. All seem to be committed to the nation's good whether they believe in politics or not. This positive vibe in people and the rise in general awareness is welcome. No more are people pretending to be not interested in politics or the cynical ones who say nothing will happen in the country. There is a ray of hope all around. And that is a good sign.

The weather Gods are moving with the pace of the Election rallies. Sun and political parties seem to be in direct competition as to who generates more heat:)


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