Our Nation

There is so much churning happening within. The mind has taken the mood of the nature. I have been feeling weepy and sorry for myself the whole day. Today, I was like those sms forwards, crying in the rain, tears n rain fall together. Good combination as I did not have to justify to anyone. The Whatsapp messenger on the mobile phone was a good help. I stayed glued to it. It helped me get off my lousy mood in bits and pieces. Though, it did not help overall, I thought I can share with you. I read all about stress relieving foods. No, I did not search the net for it, it showed up on my Facebook page posted by someone. I told my sister in law that she has a Happening life. She promptly turned around and said 'Happening' is a state of mind.

Then Osho on the FB wall said I create my own experiences and then get lost in them. I create the hell and the heaven.I now have all the right answers to my innate  sadness. I know I am the cause of it and I am at the source of my depressing thoughts. So what? Does it change anything for me? I also know its me who can change or bring about the change in my circumstances. Being positive surely helps but how much, I don't know. Everyone has a solution to my sadness. I am amazed at the easy lives people have. And please don't tell me, I do not know what they are going through internally. I am saying that things which are so tough for me and seem impossible, are so easy for my friends. I have no one to blame but myself, my thoughts and my views on life.

After a trip to Russia, the traveler mentioned that the suicide rate is very high in places which have severe winters and go without sun for months. I love the magic monsoons bring in Mumbai so I can not even blame the weather. I do not get to experience winters in Mumbai but we Mumbaikars love the nip in the air. I hear crazy winter weather woes from my friends in North India.I think, today is the first time I have called myself a Mumbaikar. Otherwise, if anyone asks me "Where is home or where are you from?" My only answer is "Dhanbad". If I tell a Bombayite this, there knowledge of the rest of India is limited to North Indians. Because they cant say bad things on my face, they say with a sigh, "Oh! That far." Now I smile  as I see the blame  in their eyes."You guys dirtied our Bombay" type of a blame. A friend had to talk in Hindi with her house guest and she actually said she had to speak the migrant language for five days.From when did our national language become the" Migrant Language" ? And we have not yet reached South India.

No one wanted to know about my trip to Dhanbad but all asked me "How was Thailand?"  For me, Dhanbad holds so many emotions. I can go on talking about it. We as people are becoming materialistic and in our materialism, emotions have no role to play. We are aping the west, whereas all our turning to India for answers. Our stories, our spirituality, our culture, our written and spoken language and literature has existed for centuries. When all the world lived like savages, we were a civilization. A culturally rich civilization which had knowledge in all fields of science, maths, astronomy etc. Parents and our youth need to see this. When I look at my country and how me as an individual can contribute to keep our culture alive and the meanings relevant for our children, I feel an immense sense of responsibility. My minor irritations are just that. A few trips to school, a few missed lunches and movies, a maid less and a bedroom less is not what my existence is all about. My nation lives within me and I live for my Nation.


  1. How was your dhanbad trip Parul? How different did you find it from your last visit? how is the pace?


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