
Sunday is the day of relaxation with family.
Saturday afternoons are about taking your child for a birthday party. If lucky then a lunch sneaked in with hubby at an eatery one always wanted to go to.
Saturday nights are for partying with friends.

Friday evenings are to watch the joy on your child's face when he/she comes back from school.

Monday mornings are heavy to leave home for the working crowd.
Monday afternoons are about getting all work done and lazing as you think about the weekend gone.
Monday dinners at home are all business as the routine sinks in.

Tuesdays are little chilled and then prepare for Wednesdays.

Wednesdays and Thursdays, life is at full speed. No time to breathe, no time to stand and stare.
Fridays the pace is fast but the mood has taken a steep incline.
The work is heavy but the feeling doesn't sink. The shoulders are high and can take on the world.

Every day is the same but there is so much significance to the name of the day. It actually calls the shots in our lives. Same with time. I do not have a great relationship with Day and Time. I am almost always unhappy about the time of the day as it means I have to hurry up or produce a meal or go grocery shopping. Even an appointment time at the salon is difficult to keep up when there is so much pending at home. When I have to leave for a vacation, I am not excited as I have those pangs which don't want me to pack and go.I wait for the time the night maid will come to do the dishes. If the guests at home linger over drinks, I am on a panic as the maid wont wait. I need to improve my relationship with Time and Day. I need speed too. Living on my own, I am used to doing things at my own pace. I don't need to rush into anything and there is no rush to finish anything at a particular time. I want to do work with velocity. I want to be in love with Time. I do not want this resistance in our relationship. I am not even veering towards the wrinkles which I insist on calling laughter lines. Time is not kind is what I think. Can I have a loving relationship with time. Right now its a Hate relationship from my side. If it was a Love Hate , at least I would know where to start. Time, can you love me enough to make up for my lack? Are you kind to anyone? What is the meaning of "Your time is up" or "Your time has come"? Why is there so much finality to your name, Time? Why, for me, is it scary?

 My child said the other day, "Mamma,Time is nothing" I am putting the fear of time in her. She is fighting back. I am thinking her innocence is dumb. She needs to know it all: the value and importance of things done on time. Actually, I think the child is more profound. I am the one stuck with my fears and my meanings and my predicted consequences of it. Elders saying one should get married on time sounded like a death knell in my younger days.The time fears I am carrying with me are immense.Another one I had was I wanted to marry before I turned thirty. I got married twenty days post that. It was such a big upset that I am still carrying it with me. People saying 'Times are bad' sounds like a curse. Bad times , one doesn't forget. Good Times just roll by. 'As time passes by' is such a depressing sentence. It means we become older and wiser and our old wounds heal. God , it is going to be difficult to love Time. But I am not giving up. Not yet and not ever.


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