Breach Candy Boys

We studied in a girls college. Never had a chance to interact with boys of our age or same class. They were like kids for us. All students and broke. Those boys also had enough girls in their colleges. We always went out with guys who were working. All had graduated and joined their father's business. All of them had a car at their disposal and wads of money. I sound like we actually were looking for monied guys but the truth was atleast in those days Breach Candy was full of the rich elite. The men who hung around in that area were also rich or made a good garb of acting rich. They had fancy cars and lovely music blaring. In those days, people hardly put the airconditioning on in their cars. It was about letting the wind sweep through your hair and looking out without the tinted glasses. Simplicity and joy even in that. My cheap thrill was to get to drive these cars. I remember 118NE was just launched and a friend let me drive it with the back seat full of girls. It was so much fun.

Coming back to the men of Breach Candy, Napeansea road and Malabar Hill, they almost always took the girls to five star hotels for dinners and coffee. All men and women went in a group. Security in numbers for both the sexes. The men wore t shirts, jeans and mocassins. A funny non collared t shirt with buttons in front was in fashion. Women wore mini skirts or baggy jeans. No cell phones or pagers and I guess relaxed parents all around. No calls interrupting your conversations and definitely no photo updates anywhere. It was a safe haven for all. The funny little secret is that even if the guy lived in Dongri or Mohammed Ali road, he said he lived at Kemps Corner. And he had all the qualities of that elite area. It was showbiz all the way. Another little secret was that these rich good looking dudes were Muslims, Sindhis or Gujaratis. All three communities get their sons married very early. So most of these boys were married. The young wife was tucked at home. The Dudes didnt do affairs but definitely wanted to be in the company of hep chics. The other logic being that the girls were available and willing to go out for a spin. The men never said they were married. Took us some time to figure how these people or things worked. A few of us were heartbroken to find that the man you dreamt about was always married but that is for some other day.
 Die Another Day.


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