Completing what was unsaid for me

Blank paper seems difficul  to start writing on. One needs a blank paper to write and to me a blank paper seems like 'Now where do I start from?'Actually I know, I can start and write all that I want and what I want to create or plan, but I am not used to total freedom. I live by rules. I am proud to say I follow the law almost always. I feel society has norms which one must accept to make the running of the society smooth. I don't know what I would do with total freedom. My family and friends think I have a lot of freedom and in the strict sense I am not answerable to anyone. But I have lots of self imposed rules. When I write, there is a fear that if I have had a conversation which now I am penning down, I hope I am not hurting anyone. I definitely do not want to encroach on someone's private space but my writing for sure reflects my thoughts. The thoughts , views or opinions about certain things , area, people etc. None of this is sacrosanct and the final truth. Its just my version or my feel of what I consider. I am so caught up in my world that the rest is just my interpretation of it.

I want to complete some unfinished conversations with you. First that the service at California Pizza Kitchen Malad and Bandra was very good. The staff was polite and attentive. I had a very good experience with family and friends. Secondly, I do not agree with Shiv Sena's tactics to not vacate the park or even their demand for a memorial inside Shivaji Park. The government was kind enough to allow them the funeral at the park, which has upset so many walkers and temple goers. Now they are using arm twisting tactics and playing dirty. Thirdly, giving away prime land of Indu Mill to a political party is not really justified, when Mumbai is bursting in its seams. When the Shivaji Park renovation was done by BMC, they took three years to concretise the park more. Not a single tree was planted. Some were uprooted for sure. Ajit Pawar coming back to loot the people more. The games the politicians play and not to forget the cricketers and their selectors play. Sonia Gandhi should be now focussing on the IOC and other games. She is the Master of the Game. Liked Sidney Sheldon's novel by the same name. Introduced me to high life abroad, sex, money and all things vice. I thought it was the ultimate in Drama. Earlier "Pride n Prejudice" was what drama was all about. Nothing prepared me for the filth writing of Fifty Shades of Grey. Friends thought I had no sense of adventure nor a fun streak in me. I thought all public writing should be responsible. People are affected by it. In a world of less and less book readers, lots of them picked up EL James' book. Steig Larsson dying after writing  and before publishing,three sensational novels on Sweden, is scary. Fine line between reality and fiction. Felt bad for the painter Vardhan who passed away in France almost unrecognized. Have always liked Raza as I had a calendar with his paintings on my office desk in 1995. Wanted to frame those pics when I had my own house. Did not know that I could not afford a Raza even that time.


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