Clean your clutter

We hoard things. We hoard emotions. We hoard people. We hoard cards, notes, photographs, CDs, cassettes, shoes, bags, books, clothes, children s clothes. What is this thing with hoarding? It has to do with not letting go. when ever I have asked my friends to remove stuff, I have met with a lot of resistance. I know I have crossed a boundary when I am telling you to remove your own stuff. People have very nice answers where the rebuttal is hidden.

Friends say' Its like Oh have such fond memories.'
Working people say " Where is the time, I am so busy."
Rich people say " All my stuff is new and unused."
Old people say' I cant keep throwing everything like you young people. Its our hard earned money.'
Married people say Its the spouse who is the collector of junk in the house.
Married women say My mother in law doesn't allow me to remove anything. Some blame it on the joint family set up.
Other women say its all children s stuff and they will not allow me to touch anything. Irrespective of what age the kids are.
Cousins say 'We have no extra stuff in our house.'
The Nouveau rich say cant give such expensive stuff to the maids.
Middle class say Nowadays even maids don't want hand me downs.
Maids say All the stuff is old and I need it in rains or winters.

What's your excuse?


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