
In organizations in India, bosses have a peculiar way of behaving. I am sharing with you about them whithout taking names. Don't ask questions and do not expect answers.

One boss was a Britisher. He wore a black band on his arm on our Republic and Independence day. WHere did he get a job? In India , of course. I am ashamed to say that all the people in the company were Indians and no one including me had the courage to say a word to him. It was like these are his idiosyncrasies and he is better left alone.

Who was sleeping with whom, was all hearsay. Though, I saw a lot of undercurrents in a lot of companies. But I did not see anything.One saw locked cabin doors, late night meetings, joint sales calling, coming to work very early, leaving office really late, crackling chemistry in the meetings, a look that stayed lil longer, a smile that was meant for only one in the crowd, kind of hints. Earlier, I was foolish and would say something about the boss to the person he was having an affair with. I would not understand when the girl would ask about him and be very candid in my opinions. That was then. Now all my words are measured and weighed. I get freedom with you. I share and you become a part of my life. The practical me, still holds back names. Its also about why bother a married man or a woman? Its about not even knowing who is married to whom or who has divorced and when. Its also about this was an amalgamation of my imagination and logic.

Then I had a Boss who carried a mug with a message to all the meetings. SO he would walk in the meeting sipping coffee in this huge mug. By the way those days these mugs and all were not what common people used. It was office crockery very basic. We would be all sleepy and dying for our Cuppa caffeine and our man would be taking his chuskis. People were very impressed with this new age mugs.

One boss did not believe in tea breaks during long meetings. Me staying in the hostel was hungry all the time. If the meeting was long, I had a tough time hiding my yawns. Once I asked for a tea break. There was pin drop silence in the room. He said he and the female boss did not want tea. He looked at the room asking if anyone wanted tea. The room was doomed if they said Yes. I was then allowed to go for tea. That afternoon I was called to the cabin for a well you know what? Both the male n female boss took my trip, Big time! Not once was the tea break mentioned in the whole course.

One boss had an issue with appraisals. According to all of them, appraisals was a time for cost cutting. The bosses also believed in inflation. So the newer less experienced people were always taken at a higher salary. New KRA s or key result areas were found during the appraisals. And how bad you are was told to me that time. The business you got for the company was immaterial. Coz remember, the brand got the clients, not the sales persons.
Enough Boss Bashing ten years after quitting work.


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