Some friends of mine

I cant understand friends who do not call back. I cant understand friends who do not respond to messages. I have friends in my life who return a call with an sms which says they are busy. The call is never returned. Some give wise crack answers that we never took your call , so where is the question of returning it. I am stuck with a whole lot of friends who just want to give their story. They do not want to listen to mine or for that matter even bother to know about me. I have friends on my Blackberry contacts who have never even responded with a smiley to anything I have broadcast or written to them. I CANNOT BELIEVE PEOPLE CAN BE SO COLD. I have had friends trying to tell me to get a job if I have sent them two jokes in a day. Nobody gets that they are in my thoughts, hence the communication even if it is a joke. I feel very hurt with negligence or indifference. I am embarrassed to say this but I have a whole lot of friends like this.

I don't know they are busy doing what. I have friends who say no broadcasts and no forwards on their phones. I have friends who say or think that I have nothing better to do. If keeping in touch is considered nothing better to do then I would rather leave these friends to their houses and their hot shot careers. I may not be the most prompt person around, but putting a perpetual busy sign on the phone is not my cup of tea. Then I have friends whose children use their phones. SO the child is constantly on his mother's Blackberry messenger. Some parents have actually bought fancy phones which they do not know how to use. The phone and its applications are operated by the children. The parents get to prove that they are trendy and can afford new age gadgets.

If someone doesn't answer the phone, thinking it cannot be important, do I really need to have such people in my life?
Why am I constantly after these kind of friends? God I am almost sounding like a maniac or an obsessed person to rave and rant about my friends like this. Is there a way out here? Can I just give up on them? People think friends are to be kept at a distance and in the not so priority list. May be they do not consider me a friend and I am unwilling to accept that. I have friends who promise to "call me one day". I have friends who promise to "catch up soon". None of this ever works out. No body is willing to give their 100% in the friendship. Maybe 100% of each friend is different. Maybe these friends would be giving 100% to their families or spouses or their other friends. I have friends who are housewives but always in a hurry to put the phone down. I can't understand this permanent hurry people live in. Some simply don't want to call or keep in touch.

I am still wondering why I am calling them friends?


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