New age parenting

Since my maternal instincts are n a high, let me share the kind of mistakes moms make. this is after having two children and making my own mistakes. I have always written grudgingly about the force feeding parents do to their children. Each Mom thinks, the more my child eats the healthier or stronger he will be. I think more food will make my child grow faster is what the moms are thinking. These new age Moms are so happy that they can make cakes and tarts and pizzas at home. So this is what the child eats...everything with high sugar and fat content.

We as children did not know what is fat and sugar content. That's also because in small towns we played a lot and ran around. There was enough physical exercise. If you wanted potato chips, Mom fried them at home. Each family made their own potato chips for the year by washing, peeling,slicing potatoes and then soaking them in salt water, washing it and drying them in the sun. You could store it for a year. Actually in our town Jharia, girls didn't play much only boys could go to various grounds play cricket.

Another thing Moms have is about feeding the child first. The child is given food before others. he has to finish so the mother can eat in peace. Why cant they eat together? Many grandparents are also of the belief that let the children eat first and adults later. Some households still have that custom to let the men eat before the women. The reason given is that the men need hot rotis and they like the rotis made by their wives. These men have no desire to eat their meals with their wives. These women are the ones who want to feed their sons before their daughters.

Moms do not let the child choose his or her clothes. My children chose their clothes from the age of one and I mean that. I am not saying they made the right choices. As in they did not combine the way I would have liked too but they definitely knew what was comfortable to them and what they liked wearing. There were days when I was not carrying the best dressed kid at a party, but who cares. I know I was not curbing their freedom to choose and their self expression in that area. Moms are obsessed with dressing their kids right. It includes footwear and accessories too.

Then we have fathers who want their child to have the best of gadgets and shoes and watches. How else will the father prove that he is earning well and cares for his family? There is this crazy aggression in parents, that the child should not lag behind. the child should move with times and for that we will provide everything. They want their children aggressive to face the world. They want the child to be aggressive to be a leader. They want the child aggressive to be a part of a skit/ drama. And the Mothers are happy to go to school and sweet talk all around. They don't mind the outdoor campaigning.


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