Maalish waali for the baby

The swimming pool at Shivaji Park which I go during ladies time has an interesting mix of people. The ladies timing is 3.30pm to5.30pm. The pool is near the sea on the western side. The sun sets in the west and it is hottest at the ladies time. What the people at the BMC were thinking when they decide these kind of timings. Even twelve noon as ladies time would be cooler. So now with the sun up, there are some women who dont care much about tanning and come to swim. I am one of the few exposed bodies at the pool in the water. Most women have swimsuits with half sleeves and frills covering the bum. Then some wear cycling shorts inside their swimsuits. Almost all women wear their undergarments along with the swimsuit. Some have suits matching with their daughters so it is easy to locate each other in the pool. They do not have the rubber swim caps but the fabric ones made of the swimsuit fabric. There was no coach for the last two months. The mothers and kids did whatever in the pool after tying a float around their bodies. One mother is little modern. So on day one, she had read the internet articles on how to learn swimming on your own which she shared with me. Most of them do not want to have a shower after the swim as the water according to them is cold.

Mumbaites have this huge thing of having hot water baths. Most of them use very hot water to bathe. As there is no concept of winter here, even a five degree temperature change and all fall sick. The most common excuse is that they or the child fell ill due to weather change. One city where the weather almost never changed for the last 26 years is Mumbai. When my first child was born , the maalish waali maid employed used to give her a very hot water bath. The infant would cry and we would all think that she is hungry or doesn't like water. I feel so bad for my ignorance and stupidity. I hope my child forgives me for that.

Then Mumbai has this thing of giving a very strong massage to the baby. It should be so strong that the baby cries and then sleeps for hours. Most people feel very happy when they get a maid who can perform this task well. Thankfully we did not allow the maid to do the massage. They press the joints and twist them in the wrong direction. Its downright scary to watch. My sis had come from Kochi and taken the bath and massage duties. She did a very gentle job. Never thanked her for that. Thanks, Deepa.

There is another thing these maalish waalis do is to pour like a tablespoon of oil on the baby s hair. The oil comes rolling down on the face. Then the baby is massaged and bathes and tied up tightly like a Mummy. All this to make the infant sleep well. It is torturous for the child. All educated and not so educated parents follow all of this.
If the child cannot move his limbs, how the child must be feeling? We as parents have to let go of these age old practices. The pediatrician had advised me, do what you would like to be done to you.


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