My Valentine Couple

I must try to write about current topics. There is no point in keeping on talking about events in my life and my views on things. So I have decided to write about Valentine s day. Sorry, but that is as close as I could get to a current topic. Well it has gone completely viral on bbms, whats app and sms. All of us are bombarded with it for the last few weeks. Guess what, Husband and me had forgotten it is on tuesday. So that last minute gift had not happened from both sides. It was forgiven as both of us got the day wrong. He went a step further and got a card and flowers for our daughters. I was all mushy.
In 2004 , we had a wedding in our house on Valentine. The wedding venue was our flat. I remember a friend coming to help us with genda phool decorations, the food from our favourite restaurant Khanekhaas. It was a big wedding day by the Hindu calendar. Me and my sister rushed to get a Pandit as all priests were booked that day. Hubby and me did the kanyadaan for my college friend. The Pandit we had booked came in, albeit a bit late. The couple came from the court registration of their marriage. The ceremony began. The hawan or the holy fire, the bride and groom taking pheras. The groom s friend down from Nashik and Dubai. The Bride s close family and friends in full attendance. The lovely fresh meal after the wedding. The photo session and a basket ball session at the building playground. The wedding was decided in two days. The couple had completed 8 years of seeing each other and all.They wanted to be married on valentine. I met them at woodlands, Juhu, the restaurant has shut down since. We went to a lot of Hindu temples but a wedding can't happen without a court marriage certificate and a month s notice. A couple can not even exchange garlands and do the ceremonial sindoor, without prior permission from the temple authorities. I am talking about even the smallest temples. So we were without a venue and a Pundit. Then I found a priest who had done my Mom s vastu puja. Explained the majority minority community thing to him. He listened as he knew me from before. He agreed provided we get the court marriage done. Reason being he could get ostracized from the priest community he belongs to. After that the girl n boy were left to celebrate the mehndi at the girls house and cocktails at a bar with their friends. Me n hubby were busy getting the house and things organized. It was awesome feeling. The girls family sat thru all the vedic chants and ceremonies. They were very happy. So were we.

All that had happened so fast that I am barely able to put the events in a proper sequence. I experienced the full frenzy, excitement, anxiousness of organising the wedding in the house. There was no tears and no bidaai ceremony.


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