Smart n Single

I am quite keyed up today. The festive season is over and a New Year has begun. Basically, new fears about the new challenges which the world might throw at me. Fear of the unknown. Fear of what I consider bad. What if that was to happen to me.
Really wanted to write a feel good blog today, more so, to cheer myself. But the fingers have a mind of their own.
I see a whole lot of single eligible women. They have good careers and they want to be married. They have the right credentials and so do the men they meet for marriage. But Alas, the marriage eludes them. They meet at these happening places after their work, they discuss markets, politics and how America is wasting all the world s natural resources. They are willing to make adjustments regarding the family and his background. They want a nice guy to look up to, to whom they can talk, who makes them laugh and a salary which can support their lifestyle. The money angle is subtly played. They do not want a CEO, they just want someone earning well. So if they decide to quit when the baby comes, one salary can take care and more. Wake up Girls, these men only exist in Mills n Boons.
In all this process, all women want a rich guy. Like a friend once told me , if she ever had to be a mistress to a man, he better be rich. At my workplace, the bosses would say Wake up and Smell the coffee. A caffeine kick is what women who want to get married and talk like this, need. Words like compromise, adjustments wont come if love or even a basic liking is there. The sense of righteousness has to go. The self centredness has to go. If you paid your bills and your parents bills, it is not something to gloat about. This street smartness wont work in marriage. There is nothing like being man savvy. But all this talk doesn't cut thru. Remember I am on the other side of the fence..married with children. How would I know?
If the single women think the world is full of loosers, then that is what they will come across. I have been on both sides of the fence and I more or less know what I am talking. I have paid bills for men as much. But in marriage, one has to take the plunge. You cant keep testing the waters till eternity. Either you are willing to make it work or your basic premise about marriage is warped. In that case, you should not be looking at marriage as an old age retirement option.
About men who want to be married, well.... we shall discuss them at leisure.


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