She is India

She has grown up in a constructed chawl in the suburbs. They are four sisters and one brother. She is the youngest. Her father is no more. Eldest sister s husband no more. She and her mom live with the eldest sister to support her and her children. She worked at a resort for five years cleaning the spa, changing rooms, massage rooms etc. Her mom worked as the cleaning lady in the hospital. Mom would get them acetone from the hospital so they could remove their nail polish. She saw my nail polish remover while cleaning and asked me what it was. She said we couldn't afford it.
She has never lived in a slum and she calls it jhopadpatti. She is clean and well groomed. She is constantly washing her hands after every cleaning job. The place we call a BMC chawl ie Bombay Municipal corporation chawl, she calls it jhopadpatti. She blames her luck that she has to live in a slum. The move from Kandivili to Dadar is of no importance to her. She doesn't know that this chawl can fetch more money than her place is kandivili. It is of no consequence to her as she doesn't own any and neither will she get any.
Her husband is the second boy of four brothers. Her father in law is with the BMC. He will give the house to the youngest son who is eighteen now. The 18 year lad will not work as his father will retire in five years and then he will get the father s job and hence the house too.
Her sister in law ie the elder brother s wife has two children. She keeps giving the kids' money. This girl is very clear that one should not spoil children with money or sweets. Its better to cook something at home for them rather than buying them sweets or wafers. Her mother in law is very strict. There is one gas cylinder. The women are not allowed warm water baths. The men are allowed and the water is heated on the kerosene stove, not the gas.They have to make rotis from two and half kg wheat atta everyday. The mother in law doesnt allow them to buy grains or masalas in bulk. So everyday they buy garlic worth five rupees to use in dal and sabji. SHe feels its cheaper to stock and is embarassed to go to buy for every meal. Her mother in law says 'you eat one meal at a time then why buy for another day?'

Her husband is nice. He takes her to the sea at Shivaji park on holidays. The attic is their bedroom and no one else sleeps with them. The father in law has got them a foam double mattress to sleep on. They have made a cover for that mattress. Rest of the family sleeps on handmade gudris or blankets made of old used cloth. She washes her sheets, blankets and pillow covers regularly.
The father in law has bought a flat in the far flung suburbs on loan. He wants her and her husband to move there. She is concerned how her husband will travel to work. So they all nine people live in this house. She wants her own house but she doesn't want to fight and move out. She says even if you live in a slum, you cant live like a slum dweller. She liked the pink nail polish. She liked the shower cap as she can use it when she puts henna in her hair.

She is India.She is proud of who she is. Are we proud of Her?


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