A reality check

Yesterday I had been for a prayer meeting for a friend s father who passed away. After all the excitement of the New year and New resolutions, this was a reality check. Be grateful for each day that you and your loved ones are alive. We take our lives so much for granted.

There were four ladies with good voices singing bhajans. The people clad in white were all trooping in the white air conditioned hall with white sheets and white chairs. The family sat on the chairs facing the crowd. I had never met the friend s father but his death brings about pain. The friend who is such a well brought up man with a clean heart definitely had a very good father. I felt bad for his loss.

Then there were these visitors attending the meeting who were so callous. The people wanted to sit next to their friends, so there was a clammer for chairs. If they were pointed to the empty chairs near the family, they walked to the family picked up the plastic chairs and took them behind so they could chat. There was a huge clock which kept time for all these people who were clear on the twenty min slot from their busy schedules. Most were not listening to the bhajans, or praying for the departed soul nor were they feeling bad for the family who lost their loved one. I would say , if you are there, atleast pray for your loved ones, as they are safe n sound. But this is how Mumbai is. All were in a rush.

If death cannot touch you, what can?


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