Live it up

I cant discuss my writings with my husband. I can talk about all that I did the whole day. I can talk about what I chatted with whom, but I cant talk about what I wrote and why. So I feel the writing is more personal or is it a different me. Actually lot of friends do not connect with me and what I write, And then there are friends who cannot connect with the 'housewife' me because they knew the 'working' me. Lot of relatives compliment about my switchover from a working women. All have this wonder element about how could I manage to quit working. Actually all the things in life have been a gradual progression from one level to another. Not that there are any levels, stages may be a better word.

The passing thru has never been simple nor easy, but in hindsight, it has all worked out. It always works out for all of us, eventually. The question is how much time are we willing to give ourselves. Its a matter of going with the flow and working on yourself. This whole sermon tone is coming to my conversation because I know it is possible and I have done it. People take long to come out of relationships, take breakups easily, face ill health and what not. Apart from death, all other situations are more or less workable.

Mom has this way of shrugging worries. She says 'Its no big deal'. I remember at the time when Dad s company was debt ridden, my Mom did not stop going to the jeweller or buying her diamond bangles or changing some jewelery design. I used to be scandalized that how could she spend money. I'd also wonder why she doesn't give it all to Dad. But my Mom was always clear that this is not where life will stop. She said this happens in business and I am not taking his money. I would up my moral stand and tell her all her gold is because of Dad s money. Yes, she did not ask him for money and she helped him with her savings when he needed. But most of all, she lived her life on her terms. She was rock solid in her belief that they d be in wealth and abundance. Her "Never Say Die" attitude was wonderful is what I am willing to give in to Now.


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