Guess Who

Got a bbm from him after long. He doesn't usually send forwards. He replies when he likes something. He checks on me if he gets a joke too many. I have not seen him for years. We have talked about meeting and catching up but it was meaningless. What s common between us? He got married a few days before me. He had an arranged marriage.Had attended his reception with my then boyfriend now husband and my family. Then I had bumped into him at a few weddings. Till facebook and Blackberry messenger happened. So a few rare chats here and there. His mother is beautiful and was really kind and loving to me. I used to visit them often. He was studying at a boarding school.

He wanted to know a book store in my area as he had some time to kill. I had just left home for my swim. I could not call him home as he had twenty min before he went for a meeting with some government officials. I told him I will meet him at the book store. I was already wearing my swimsuit and my oldest faded tee. The hair was all tied. Alas, I didn't have time to go back and change. He was there for 15 min now and I wanted to make the most of it. I was carrying my daughter s swimming bag.Why cant I dress better? Why cant I look uber cool all the time? I really wanted to make a good impression. I wanted to show him I was happy. I wanted to tell him this is not the hostel girl you knew, who came to your house for some homecooked food. I wanted to tell him that now I live in a house, finally. To top it all, I had oiled my face and body to prevent tan. It was Johnson's baby oil. I didn't even have those funny sunscreens I see on Greek islands in magazines. My hair was the saving grace. It was shampooed. I promptly put the scrunchy on my wrist and ran my finger thru it.
Not good but passable.

I was nervous about crossing the road to the bookstore. The book store was hidden by cars at the fuel station. I didn't know if he will be on the ground or first level. I was a nervous wreck by now. I had not even planned my speech. The watchman stopped me as soon as I opened the glass door. All plans of making a grand entry went for a toss. The watchman wanted my swimming bag to be kept with him. As I handed that, he turned and spotted me. He recognized me! He had grown up in all ways. He came over and gave me a bear hug. I apologised for the Oil and I also explained about the swimming and tan bit. I was babbling. He just looked and asked "Is it?" There was laughter lurking in his eyes. He asked where my house was as we walked to the upper level. He was travelling with his wife n wife s family for a vacation. Told me he ll do the beach place and come back on Monday while the wife kids n in laws continue. He was looking for a book for the flight. Then he asked me what I read. I fumbled once again. Did not want to say Mills n Boon. I suggested a couple of books. He pointed Eckart Toole. I was lost. I wanted The Power. He said he wants to buy me books. No One had taken me to a book store and asked me to buy books. Yes I do get books as gifts and I like reading them too. But this was a first. He said he had never bought me anything and wanted to buy me Books which he liked and thought I might too. He bought me the triology. I kept saying I will take one and not three. He said 'one is no fun.' I still wanted The Power. So he bought all and a book for himself. I was refusing albeit reluctantly. He had some points on his wife s loyalty card. He used those and paid the balance. Turned around and said 'See I am not even spending too much.' God, if he wanted, he could easily afford the bookstore.
It was time for him to go. His car was purring outside. We said our byes. He left for his meeting followed by the vacation. I walked to the pool. The promise of meeting again bringing a smile to the suddenly harsh afternoon.


  1. hmmm such a sweet one Parul.. what a nice read! touched my heart and also brought a smile to my face. keep writing sweet girl.



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