
Got up early this morning. Went for the 615am yoga batch. It was pitch dark. I thank Mumbai and its people for keeping it safe. Class was dark too as the shavasan was going on which is the sleeping pose. On the way, there was Mayhem. Lots of branches of every single tree had been cut by the corporation. The monsoons are still far away but they have butchered the canopy which formed on the full road. All branches and leaves had been chopped and thrown for some other agency to pick it up. One man was collecting the twigs and branches for his night bonfire. Even in the corporation, one agency throws stuff on the road, in this case greenery and another agency picks it up.
My heart bleeds for the life in the trees cut for no reason at all. In colaba, they want to cut 50 trees for road widening. I know that street well and there is hardly any traffic there. They plan to cut all 100 year old trees so that some people and some contractors benefit.
Such is life. Cut, chop, cook and eat.
Lights, Camera, Action...Cut.


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