What's the big deal about Love?

These last ten days of 2011 I am taking on thanking all the people who have shown love to me in my life.

Is Love noticed or felt? Kindness in shown in actions or words. But Love ka kya karein? Love is difficult to show or act. Does love become something else if it is shown in material ways? Does love become different if shown in a physical way? What way is love to be expressed? Is it to be expressed or just felt by the other party? Is it the name of a feel good emotion? Is it that only I have to do with it and no one outside me?
Do I feel love when someone cooks for me in my kitchen?
Do I feel love when someone gives me a lift in his Merc?
Do I feel love when someone springs a surprise?
Do I feel love when someone shows concern?
Do I feel love when someone worries about me?
Do I feel love when someone calls to check on me?
Do I feel love by these action or do I feel "Loved"?

Will I feel love if no one acknowledges me?
Will I still feel love if the same person does not call?
Will I still feel love if that person doesn't show concern?
Will I feel love if I am ignored?
Will I still feel love if he/she is rude?

So transient is this feeling of love. So delicate is this mesh called love. So easy it is to feel 'unloved' and 'un love' someone in today's world. Pining for love is just a pause till the next Love comes our way. So Love away.....anyways.


  1. Hey Thanxx ben...!

    Read it < all i can add is that it is the most precious feeling in the world.

    Am a lil clumsy expressing it...always..! but i also know that it is the most important part of my life...!why only me, everyone's i believe.

    feel it n enjoy it...! love is everywhere:)

    LUV YA...!!



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