Hindi is my mother tongue

In continuation with my earlier post, I go thru one more hassle with people in Mumbai. They want to know which language my children speak at home. Even the building people who meet me only in the elevators want to know if my children know Marathi. This is very strongly asked by people who consider themselves saviours of this state. Then they want to know if my husband speaks Marathi with them. Since that is a Nay, it immediately goes to "Oh you must be speaking to them in Gujarati." By this time the tone has become become accusing.
My answer is a No.

Next question is ready for me: "Your parents must be talking in Gujju." My reply that my parents talk in Hindi, does not go down well.
Them : Why in Hindi?
Me: because we were born brought up in Dhanbad.
I am given a blank look.
Me: Its in Bihar, Now in Jharkhand.
Them: "All these new generation parents want to speak English at home because of school admissions."
Me: No, we speak Hindi at home.
Them: Oh just like these North Indians!
Some go ahead to tell me why I must teach my mother tongue to my children and all along what they mean is that the father tongue should be taught.The lift is down and the walk to the car accomplished. We smile and part ways. Me fuming and them happy to have given diktat to one more North Indian.


  1. ohh...:) that means i should be teaching my kids 'Dogri' - their father tongue ( mother Tongue ):)

    Still to read the previous two blogs Parul, Am sure would be well written like always
    keep up the good work

  2. English is our national language.

  3. When was the last time you read any book in Hindi?

  4. Thanks, Ulpa, Satya , Malli and all who have been following and sharing and making me look into myself. Thank you.


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