Just a lil more

The nice people, I have already mentioned in my earlier two posts. Can I now talk about the not so nice ones? These are the ones some of us have in our lives. The slimy variety. Just like eels. They slip away before I can find faults or they pretend it was never meant to be that way.I have some friends dying to rake up my past, maybe notorious by their standards.There is this gentle tilling going on or a little push here n there. People who want to know what or who or how I was before. Actually, they want to know who I was with. These are not new people in my life, remember, I have finished cribbing about the new ones.
So I am going to refer to them as old friends and acquaintances. People whom I have lost touch with years ago and whom I have lost contact with very willingly. To put it in words, an old neighbour, a friend s husband, a far off relative, a cousin s friend, someone who chatted me up etc.The medium of this renewed contact is of course the internet.It starts with a lot of compliments and then a subtle question. The question soon turns into a remark about me. I know exactly where this is heading. In a good mood, I answer in a dumb manner for a while and then I loose interest. Why would someone want to know what I did twenty years back. How will it help me or them? Why do we have to be nosy about renewed contacts. Why does "Lets Catch up" mean "I want to know about all your link ups."
This curiosity is more in the men friends, the women are pretty matured about things. I have even heard male cousins dropping hints like they know more than I let them on.Common Guys, Have a life. Whom I did what with is not going to bring an iota of peace into your life. And please remember, its my life. If I want to show you the skeletons in my cupboard, I shall and if you want to pull them out feel free. They are only a mass of bones.
Women I have come across old and new contacts never have any issues with who I am or who/what I was. For that, I sincerely acknowledge all the women in my life.


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