Food for thought

Everyone has an understanding of good health and good food habits. I am not talking about going on the extremes of raw food or no wheat or only fruit diet. I just mean basic good food. Which educated person doesn't know that packaged food contains preservatives. Even if they packaging denies it, it is put under some other chemical name which the consumer is unaware of. Any food rots after a time and if it is in a packet vaccum packed or something, it cant survive without some added chemicals. Even curds which are good for health have a fifteen day shelf life. Try keeping your home made curd in the refrigerator for three days, it starts turning sour and gets spoilt within a week.
I fail to understand parents who give packaged or outside food to their children all the time. I blame the Stay at home Moms more out here. The father is not there for atleast 12 hrs a day. The basic nutrition knowledge is low or the desire to cook fresh food is not there. In most upper middle class urban families, there is a cook or a helper. Why cant the mother just give the correct instructions. In parties, I see small children hog sweets and cakes as if there wont be any left. The mothers take their children for numerous classes but at every break , the child is fed cheetos or vada pav. The shops near the slums do roaring business of junk food as it is easier for the working mother to provide money to the child than to cook food. The children are often falling sick and under medication. All mothers are so significant when the child falls ill. It is almost always blamed on the infection from class or the viral in the air or the season change.
When will these mothers get that children are naturally immune to sickness. In most cases, some carelessness by us that causes the illness. Why cant we be committed to the child s well being.

Its very easy to say I am the most committed mother and most of us mothers feel so. But where is it in action? Taking your child to the Mall on the weekend is commitment ? Allowing the child to play the video games in the mall, signs of a great Mom? Taking him for the latest 3 D film is good parenting? Is buying your child the latest gadget, helping the child learn technology? Is putting a child in an expensive school and lots of evening classes giving you a sense of fulfillment as a Mom?
As a Mom, what stops me from providing unconditional love to my child with a good amount of home food? Nutritious food for the good functioning of his health is a real investment into the child s future. Even if I want to give him the fad food, how about making it at home? If nothing, it will be clean, fresh and wont have high levels of soda, oil or colour.


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