Couples at Shivaji Park

Writing after really long and have some random thoughts.

People come into your life after a long gap. It is back like old times. And then they disappear, just like old times. Except that it hurts more, one more time.

I see the people on Shivaji Park at all odd times. My eyes notice the couples the most. I am always looking at them and forming a whole story about them. Most of the times i think they are in an illicit relationship.By that I mean , one partner is married or committed to someone else. Then i try to figure out the office colleagues, there familiarity and rapport is so cool, no coyness there.
I see those couples in their fifties and think they have no business of falling in love. Me at forty does find fifty old.
Then there are those couples married to each other, where the man wants some romance and the girl wants to crib.
The tiffin sharing couples are beyond my understanding. They are feeding each other, it is so like the Indian wedding albums. All have a picture of the bride and the groom feeding a seet gulabjamun to the other.
The guy is pawing his girl till the point he is not married to her.
The women are not reluctant about it either. Guess that is by mutual consent.
The whole world of all these couples exists in my mind. I create and then I judge their relationship.
Eventually it is all about love and I miss that point completely.


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