Ad = Advertising

Child came from school and told me Mamma it is Bharat Bandh on 8th may. I asked her what was the source of her information and prompt came the answer that there are hoardings all over . My child, all of eight years, thought this was such a big thing that's why they were hoardings being put up with the Bandh information. This was the misleading ad of DLF IPL. Some time back Matrix a mobile phone company which promises to give lower rates on international roaming said in their ad...A cheap Indian phone company blah blah. For long no one noticed it and it was ok. People like me who notice these things and are upset, do not know how to proceed in such matters. I was not even ok with the ONe Day mataram tagline. Please , cant our creative guys leave a few national things sacrosanct.
The ads are so weird with their promises. The children cant distinguish the reality from the fiction. The teachers are teaching some real out dated stuff. Hindi book has a depressing story about death. The Hindi is taught in school in English. Marathi is taught with English translations. The child is only thinking in English and then tryting to translate to the local Indian language. No more the ad is about a child studying, it is about group politics and bullying. The tone of the ad is so menacing. The client servicing people would be so vindictive to sell this kind of stuff for a child s product and look at the marketing heads of companies approving the stuff. Just read an interview by tv serial editors and all each one had to say was "We give what the audience wants".
Is this the kind of audience we have become ?


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