My new Blackberry

I had never heard the word "technically challenged" for the first thirty five years of my life. I have got to know the meaning, now that I have got a Blackberry from the husband. I cant believe we make simple things so tough, then make them expensive and people like me fall for all these marketing gimmicks. I resisted buying BB for a long time time. I have downgraded my desire from an i phone. I keep projecting to the husband what a big sacrifice I have made. Waise I do this very often to him about Ihow many sacrifices I have made and more emo demos of that line. Sometimes I am actually fed up with my own nonsense.
Anyways , I am completely upset with my new acquisition. May be I resist change, may be I am growing old. The children still have to grow and I am desperate to move with times. This whole urge that if my child asks for a gadget atleast I know what it is.
Am I competing with them or am I dying to keep up with all friends who have a BB. God, this is definitely not something I am happy about. I wish I had bought Querty ' s Blackcherry for Rs 2999 instead of this money monster. Atleast i would not feel guilty dumping a cheap thing.
How come one phone can make me have so many revelations about myself?
Now I am trying to palm it off to the husband, with a story that I got your feelings behind gifting it to me but please please take the BB back from me.


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