
Devika has just joined Shiamak dance class. Went to drop her and saw the teachers. They have amazing relatedness to all the 25 children in the class. They actually remember what the child did in the 45 min class. The instructors are barely 18 or 20 and the way they are with kids is so natural and so un teacher like.What will happen when they become parents I dont know. Right now, they are doing a super job with the children. I only saw happy faces pre and post class. Children love to go to the class and are so happy with dance and music. Why cant I as a parent provide the same atmosphere at home?

I am amazed how Shiamak teaches the instructors to be so brilliant with children. I have been going for the class for the last two years. The instructors are all fabulous people and the way they teach is also so clear so technical.You never ever have a twisted ankle or sprain while dancing in the class. All young instructors are under thirty for sure and what passion for people and dance. You never see them angry, upset or irritable. Most have a sense of humour which is so rare. Especially when I see some cynical and sinister youth of today.
Within the organisation, they have roles other than being instructors.They handle administration, costumes, shows, star rehearsals, publicity and media. Each one can take the the role which they get excited about and grow in that field. They have gruelling days with hours of practise and teaching and the office work .Some are even sent abroad to set up new centres for the dance academy. Some are studying to be doctors and engineers. Apart from their physical fitness, they also appear very well informed about world affairs.
This is my salute to Shiamak who trains them so beautifully. I do not want to take away the credit from the instructors who do all this with their hard work and passion.The Guru guides and the instructors learn so well.When I see them I know our youth is so powerful and so focussed. It is the right guidance which can do wonders.

After every class I am a happier human being. I come out with a small amount of wisdom.
They say for one hour just enjoy and the steps will come.
Just practise at home. There is no other way to better yourself- Practise Practise Practise
Dont try, just do it.
Relax and the rest will follow.
Keep sipping water.
Eat a fruit before class.

May the world be full of more Shiamaks,Vijays,Amits, Anishas, Nazeems, ............


  1. Now that makes me too want to join shiamak
    class which is nearby, Incidentally.

    So Grreat. You enjoy till i follow you...!

    love lots.


  2. how true,
    just enjoy , the steps will this.

    Shiamak must be a real good leader, motivater, to run the organization like this.

    remember this.
    Nobody cares if you can't dance well
    just get up and dance
    Great dancers are not great because of there technique.
    Martha Graham.



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