
Is it possible that something is so beautiful that you own it but dont want to use it? I feel so about a pink diary gifted to me. The desire to preserve it is stronger than the desire to use it. It has such a beautiful array of colours in the pages that I dont want to taint them. I also know that the year will pass by and the diary will be of no use. It will also loose its charm. Right now , it is the most beautiful thing in my whole world of possessions. I love its colous, the quality of paper and the concept.
The love for pretty diaries started when I was working for the Oberoi Hotels. The day started with a morning meeting. Each one of us carried our best diaries to this meeting. The people handling the banks always had the best diaries. One year a colleague had given me a diary of UNICEF. It had pictures of children from all over the world in their natural habitats. Opening the diary in the morning took the stress out of those meetings. Yeah, children s smiles can do that.
So my reason for not using this beautiful diary was that it will get spoilt. I also didnt have anything exciting to write in it. The daily hisaab of the dhobi, maids and milkman was not to be put there. I also dwelt on the topic that may be I dont deserve
beautiful things in life or may be i dont value myself enough to use it.It also made me wonder do I do this to all the beautiful things in my life ie hold it for posterity?? I realized I do love nice looking cream bottles and I do get attracted to good design and eco friendly the better. It happens to some beautiful clothes I buy.I conveniently dont find occasions to wear them.I also have friends who wear a t shirt straight from the shop they purchase from.
Then for me, Is beauty untouchable???
Any way, I think the diary days are gone. In my four and half year stint at the Oberoi, we moved from telex to fax to e mails. From one type writer for the whole department to computers for all and laptops for the bosses. From normal phone lines to electronic exchange to direct dialling to the desired extension to mobile phones for all. From low tariffs and no competition except Taj to opening of the Indian economy. Witnessed the Exodus of the Mckinseys, Booz Allens, AIGs, Perigrines and some downfalls, companies shutting shops overnite.
Today,I have started writing in my pink diary..........It says Everyday is a new colour.


  1. Good that you started using it.
    Have fondness of collecting Eco-friendly bags or Stylish cosmetic bags or even some gift wrappers i get!! Use it to write some things which you want to treasure for lifetime...!!
    You know how to put it to best use...!!!


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