
A New born Child is so pure.
If you carry the baby,you will have only good thoughts. If you are with the baby asleep in your arms, you experience bliss. If you walk into a house where the baby is born, you experience calm and peace. If the baby wakes up in your arms, you worry and then the baby stretches and yawns and looks at you , your world becomes alive. When the baby listens to you calling him and smiles , you feel sublime. When the baby smiles in his sleep, you experience joy.The baby s family is cool with the baby in your arms , you experience freedom.
A new born baby is all love.
I have not yet stopped smiling after meeting the baby. I am surrounded by love all around me.


  1. what can i say. Pure words, beautifully written. Can almost feel the baby in my arms.

  2. Fresh,delicate, could smell johnson...Soooperaaa South bumbayiii...Keep walking

  3. Wonderfully described!! Nothing can be as pure as this, Babies surely are a BLISS.

    loved it.


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