
Went to my Datun waali . She is not seen everyday under the bridge. She sits between the jalebi waala and the CD waala wearing a royal blue sari with a big red bindi and sindoor. She said she is there from six to nine thirty pm. Sells neem datun only at two rupees per long branch. I wonder how many people in Mumbai still use neem datun to brush their teeth. Asked her if her daughter-in-law cooks for her and she said she has four daughters only. She seemed to say that in a matter of fact way.No regrets about not having a son and no point to be proved with the daughters.They were her children and thats all.Elder daughter is married in her village. The younger three go to school. They also do wedding caterings. They serve food behind the counters wearing uniform and white gloves.
Next time I attend a wedding and say at the food counter "kam daalna", I promise to look at their face and acknowledge the child in them.
Devika s teacher s daughter has an interesting profession. She is a criminal investigative journalist in the US and her job is secure. I am still wondering ki maa ne kis chakki ka atta khaaya hoga.
Pranaya will join the same teachers General Knowledge class. Lola Kutty does it so well on channel V General Knowledge!The mothers at the orientation had an excercise to talk to five unknown mothers in the room and say three things you love about your child. The mothers who didn t even glance at you in the room were beaming with huge smiles while talking about their child. For me, things I love about my children changed with every mother. I found so many things I loved about my children and had never acknowledged them for. I have started now............


  1. Me too will acknowledge them the next time we go for a wedding. What can i say....very touching....


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