Attended a friend's father's uthamna. This is like wake and usually happens three days after a person's demise. It is called Uthhala, Besna or Chautha in Hindi. The family gets together at a hall/auditorium. Relatives, friends and business associates come and pay their condolence to the family. In Mumbai, they get professional singers to sing Bhajan/ soulful songs/hymns. The late person's photo is kept facing the audience. Incense sticks are burning and some flowers are kept around. The bhajan singers and musicians sit on a stage. The close family sits on white plastic chairs with their backs to the stage. The visitors sit in the audience. The timings are usually 4-6pm. The visitors come in and sit. The Bhajans/ religious hymns are being sung. They sit for two or four songs and leave. While leaving they fold their hands in Namaskar to the entire family. The entire family does Namaskar to the guests who are leaving. All this communication is without any words. The famil...