
Showing posts from April, 2013


Today the maid who works for us in the afternoon came with her sister in law's sister in law's daughter. The maid told me over the phone that she has got the girl to play with Devika. I was annoyed as I do not like new people coming home when I am not there. I kept ringing the door bell but they did not open the door. Walking into the house with my own bunch of keys, I found them both on the terrace folding clothes. They were so engrossed in their talk that they never heard the door bell. I had asked the child in the car if she wanted to play with Megha and she had said no. She also added that now that Megha is there I may as well play with her. Nine year old Megha is a fiesty child.She has thick long hair tied in a plait and twinkling eyes. She is plump and was wearing a black t shirt and red knee length pants. She calls our help Foi ie Bua or Aunt and wants to help her in the housework. Her fourth standard exams are over and she wants to play with the girls. She goes to a ...

My penchant for sad stuff

A friend called to wish me for my birthday. I informed him it was not my birthday. In his phone book, this information was stored. He did the same last year too. Out of sheer courtesy I asked for his birth date. He said "I am a birthday boy every day." I could hear the aliveness in his voice. He is above fifty, has had his shares of ups and downs professionally n personally. He has married, divorced and re married.He looks after his family and new family and extended family. He meets his friends everyday and he enjoys life. One can get his enthusiasm for living life every moment and that is so inspiring. On my birthday I am most embarassed about friends and family wishing me. I wish to treat it like a normal day without the attention on me. Don't ask me how I treat a normal day. When we sound happy, people are supposed to enjoy and talk to us. Here I feel friends have a tendency to do the oposite. I am sure when I am sad or have a sad story to share, there is a crowd o...


I am perpetually cleaning stuff at home. If one part is clean, the other is screaming for attention. Some times I just stare at the stuff without doing a thing about it. It bothers me but I take my own sweet time to sort it. A friend said that I should write my post and leave it for a while.Maybe take a walk , come back and re read and then make necessary changes required and finally post it. I am so impulsive that I cant wait. I have to do things when I set my mind to it. His idea was, to improve the quality of the writing, I have to let it set in. I cannot keep dishing out impulsive stuff to my friends and readers. I am like this in talking too. I can just say anything and almost everything to people. I then repent at leisure once I have seen the consequences. Most friends stop talking and communicating after they are upset. For some days, I think they are busy, then I think they will return my call or message later. I keep trying to get in touch and dont succeed. In the end I giv...


I am unhappy if it rains in Delhi and its pleasant in Mumbai. I am jealous of Delhi when my friends share beautiful pictures of flowers and Palash trees.I am jealous when I see an author doing well. The list is growing longer. I am jealous.... When I see a women on the road with flawless skin. When I see someone well groomed and well dressed. When I see a super fit body of a man or woman. When I see some amazing pictures of family holidays. When someone talks about family lineage and heritage. When I hear people jet setting across the world on vacations. When I read about society women going on Spa vacations. When I see someone who walks comfortably in high heels. When I see someone with a flat abdomen/stomach and a toned body. When I see some neat children. When I see an extremely well kept house. When someone is artistic while I have no sense of furniture or home decoration When someone makes awesome Indian food. When I see a Rolex on someone/ Earlier I was jealous of ...

Woman, you are responsible!

The morning maid is new and punctual. I just love that about her. She comes on time and does her work fine. Today she was late by twenty minutes. I went through panic attacks. She had taken her salary. I was wondering if she has quit the job as it was the first of the month. Thank God, she came. She actually apologised for her late arrival which was perfectly okay by most maids' standards. She said she had a headache as she had a fall in her house. Her one eye was swollen and there was a bruise mark on the cheek. She told me she had put soap on the floor and forgotten , so slipped and got hurt. She smiled when she said this. I asked if she wanted a painkiller and she said she will visit a doctor later. I think she just lied to me. She was hit by a man, most likely, her husband. I was quite shaken. I was angry at that unknown husband. She has two sons in ninth and seventh standard. I was worried about them Did they see the father hitting the mother? Did someone else hit her? Were...